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Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Most Effective Ways For Blasting Tummy Fat & Getting in Shape

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blasting tummy fat

How to blast tummy fat, what we're going to do today to reduce tummy fat. We're going to do ab exercises utilizing the medicine ball and then we're going to do Pilates exercises. That will target both the outside of the thigh called the abductors and the inside of the thigh called the adductors.
 First things first lie down on your back with your medicine ball stretch the legs up to the ceiling and then flex and press your heels to the ceiling as if the ceiling were coming down on to them. So you press back up into it and imagine there's a wall behind your legs take the medicine ball press it up towards your toes inhale and on an exhale draw your abs in. then curl up trying to reach the ball up towards your toes and then lower down and press it up and lower. So you notice my legs aren't moving with the ball. They're holding steady make sure your shoulder blades are coming off of the mat and not just your neck you never want to do a crunch like that. Then we can rotate getting in our oblique and up and then one of my favorites is making the circle and don't forget to reverse it.
Do whatever it takes to get that booty fat off burn off the buck fat the first thing you need to do is get your cardio up choose anything.
workout to blast tummy fat

I truly mean anything it could be running in place it could be running on the treadmill doing sprints plyometrics one of my all-time favorites stair running.
Dance Workout for blasting tummy fat

 Dancing is a great one the next thing you need to do is build some strength on that back side. you know what I mean some tight firm booty exercises like squats and lunges. these are all time favorites. there's really nothing better to actually build some definition into yours.
Workout to blast tummy fat

So next, we're going to do side lying thighs series from Pilates. this is a great one to tone in the butt so bend your knees for calm and draw your abs. there's a space between your waist and the ground we call this the mouse house and then lift the top knee off the bottom knee as the knee lifts make sure the hip doesn't roll back.
next one keeps the bottom leg down lift the top leg up and make little knee circles again try to end in each direction reversing good. now stretch both legs out turn the toes out reach the right leg up toes pointed and then flex and squeeze to calm down.
so you want to work the inner thighs on the way down and then take that same top leg and bring it behind you four little lifts up and you will feel all of these exercises right in the booty slimming you down getting you ready for your skinny jeans.

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