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Friday, 4 August 2017

Tummy Fat Loss Tips For Both Men And Women

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Tummy fat loss tips for both men and women

I will be talking about tummy fat loss tips and how you can get rid tummy fat. Are you ready let's fitness expert helping all of you with your fitness queries. So today I'm going to talk about tummy fat. So I have these lot of people both men  and women.
There are some guys coming up to me telling me that you know I eat all the right things. But I don't know fat is bothering around my belly.
Let me break it to you there is no such thing as spot reduction so what spot reduction means is that you can't get rid of your belly just belly alone by doing crunches or just you know doing something.
 If you really want spot reduction you might want to go for liposuction which could be a little expensive and at times dangerous. That's your call I'm not suggesting you should my suggestion is you should not.
 I think exercise is a  man a liposuction let's go with that. So I'm going to give you five reasons how you can get rid of  this  belly fat reason number one stop focusing on your belly start focusing more on minimizing your body fat.
I know I've been a broken record here I've been telling you so many times that you know spot reduction will never happen. You have to have to start  training with weights. You have to start doing exercise at least 45 to 50 minutes a day four to five days a week. You know despite your sedentary lifestyle whatever just start doing some activity or the other that is the only way you minimize your body fat. If you think that you know if you were to do crunches or some ab exercises then you could get a belly fat that's wrong.
Tummy fat loss tips

Number two stop doing crunches if you are overweight. Why the fuck sorry for my web idea why the fuck are you. You know  stressing your back or you're not supposed to just minimize your body fat. You need to start focusing on minimizing your calories. If your calorie intake is 2,000 you know get on to about 1,800, 1,700 1,500 create. That calorie deficit that is the only and only way you lose weight.
Number three there is a difference between fat loss and weight loss so now think about it I'll give you an example.
Now weight loss is something that you know you can starve yourself for day then you know your your weight will budge you. You know if you're 80 kill you come down to 75 or 74 kilos. Depending on how much you've stopped yourself. But your body fat level may go up now give you another scenario. Now if you were to focus on inch loss or fat loss now what will happen. There is your body weight may go will also go up from 8 ready to kill OHS.
But your fat loss percentage may just drastically come down. So you need to decide what you want for yourself, you want to focus on fat loss.  You want to focus on weight loss problem with people is them. They're to obsess with losing weight they stand on the weighing scale. If you know and if it if it budges if it fluctuates it gives them horrors nightmares my humble request to  you don't be obsessed with weight focus on fat loss. I
n each loss that is the only way you get closer to your fat loss code number for eating. I've told you this in the past I'm gonna tell you this again diet is not 70 percent diet is about 90 percent.  What you eat is how you look  if you think  that you know I'm going to skip my breakfast in the morning. I'm gonna take is in the night I'm going to stop myself and I'm going to get rid of this belly fat you're wrong you're actually you know creating more fat on your body.
Because your body has no other option but to get into that hole starvation mode whatever is left inside is just holding on to it. Whatever your metabolism was or however fast or slow it was you've just put to a complete halt.
So do not I repeat, do not starve yourself these are some of the three to four things that you should do to get out of that belly fat and at the end of the day. It's not the obsession it's your unlined relentless pursuit for that goal don't be obsessed with it go slow enjoy the process and you will get rid of this belly fat.

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